This Phytosanitary Certificate is posted as a sample to show BioNatal LLC imports its seeds directly from Ethiopia. This certificate is for your reference only
and is not updated.
BioNatal LLC is a direct importer of the best and richest Nigella Sativa seeds from Ethiopia. This Certificate issued by Ethiopian Agricultural Authority for Customs purposes in the United States and FDA. This Certificate is direct confirmation that BioNatal LLC uses Nigella Sativa seeds for the black seed oil production of Ethiopian origin. Also, this certificate is confirming the 99% of seeds purity through the Sortex system and freshness of the crop.

Bionatal LLC does all its potency testing thru Eurofins. The certificate attached is a sample of the highest level of Thymoquinone and Volatile oil tested. This certificate will be updated once a new higher level of results is tested.
BioNatal LLC is the only company to provide official test results and the best levels for the essential components of black seed oil: Volatile Oils and Thymoquinone. These analyses are not too different each year, as BioNatal only works with its farmers in Ethiopia and obtains seeds from the best farms in the country's best region. Since August 2018, BioNatal has sent Nigella Sativa seeds from different farms to the USA for laboratory research. In December 2020, we already knew which region of Ethiopia and which farms have the best harvest in the world.
In 2022 BioNatal owners with the help of United States farmers was able to collect information of the geographical and weather conditions that may help Nigella Sativa flowers to create higher Thymoquinone level in the seeds. Based on this information BioNatal got the samples from the specific area in Ethiopia that is neighbor to BioNatals regular farms. This time we got the highest ever TQ of 4.64% and signed contracts with the new discovered farms.

BioNatal LLC's cold press method is tested once on each machinery used to press oil. This test is done only one time for the new equipment at the beginning.
BioNatal is the only company in the world to prove the cold pressing method through analysis. Most consumers of black seed oil look at the label contents of the oil bottles, but no one has ever seen official proof. Most of the world's black cumin seed oil suppliers are based in the Middle East and Africa, and these regions use old industrial equipment made for soft sunflower seeds and olive pulp, and are not equipped for the Nigella Sativa seeds. As a result, almost all of the black seed oil in the world market gets burned during pressing, and resellers always say that it is impossible to prove that the extraction was cold officially, which is not valid.
It's actually very easy to prove cold press, but most of black seed oil manufacturers are not interested in these tests. BioNatal has the results of oil analyzes produced on our equipment, where the Benzo(a)pyrene component does not exceed 0.95 μg/kg while the global cold-pressed standard does not exceed 2.0 μg/kg.
BioNatal LLC's cold press method is tested once on each machinery used to press oil. This test is done only one time for the new equipment at the beginning.
Moreover, there is also an in-depth analysis of cold-pressed natural oils. This analysis identifies the performance of all components that arise in the oil at high temperatures during production. According to the international cold-pressed standard, the sum of all four parts should not exceed 10.0 μg/kg. The sum of these components in BioNatal black seed oil is 6.04 μg/kg, so the BioNatal cold press method has been proven even by detailed analysis.

BioNatal LLC tested the strongest black seed oil from Ethiopian seeds. We also tested oil from Egyptian seeds, which is known to be average potency. This test is only done once to prove that black seed oil is not acidic.
BioNatal LLC is the only company in the world that made such tests and compared different black seed oil to get a clear answer on the question: Is the black seed oil acidic or not? Analyses of the Egyptian oil with TQ 1.15% and Ethiopian oil with 4.64% gave a clear answer: TQ which is extremely important for our immunity system is an acidic substance but it’s level in the black seed oil is not dangerous.
The results showed that Egyptian black seed oil with regular TQ on the world market has pH of 5.20 that is green zone. On the other side the world strongest Ethiopian black seed oil has a pH of 3.84 that is orange zone but still safe. The dangerous acidic food is lower than 2.0 pH.
This test clearly shows that for black seed oil to be acidic and dangerous, then it must have a TQ level of 8% orhigher. This is direct prove that many companies on the world market are lying about extremely high TQ levels for marketing purposes.
This certificate of analysis will not be updated due to the almost negligible volume of heavy metals in the Black Seed Oil. In fact, heavy metals are absent in the oil, rendering testing unnecessary.
Currently, there are numerous speculations circulating on the internet regarding Black Cumin Oil. Most of these speculations stem from unconfirmed opinions and assumptions lacking background or official test analysis results. One such concern is the presence of heavy metals in Black Seed Oil.
BioNatal remains at the forefront, having undertaken analyses of Ethiopian Black Seed Oil for heavy metals. The results align with expectations: less than 0.01 ppm, less than 0.001 ppm, and less than 0.005 ppm. In accordance with FDA standards (Sec. 172.155), heavy metals must not exceed 20 parts per million (ppm). This demonstrates that BioNatal's oil derived from Ethiopian Nigella Sativa seeds is entirely free of heavy metals.
Given that BioNatal consistently sources Nigella Sativa seeds from the same farmers and region in Ethiopia, utilizing identical planting and growing methods, the results remain consistent. Consequently, we see no reason to continue such analyses in the future. This test effectively debunks previous speculations.

The Texas Department of State Health Services does random facility inspections. This inspection report will be updated after the next inspection.
Of course, it is impossible to talk about the quality of goods without a specialized room in which all sanitary conditions can be met. Our factory and manufacturing processes are inspected annually by the Texas Health Authority.