The Quality of Black Seed Oil
The quality of black seed oil depends on many factors. The main problem with the quality of black cumin oil in the world is that this production is not regulated by government agencies. Today, black cumin oil is becoming more and more popular and small producers neglect all production rules in order to satisfy customers with unlimited quantities of oil at the lowest price.

Today, this field of activity is not interesting for big businesses, and thus, the black seed oil market in all countries is under the control of independent small merchants. These merchants do not know how to sell, so they try to find the cheapest prices for successful resale. By their actions, they kill the quality of the oil, exercising price pressure on manufacturers. All Nigella Sativa oil producers are under tremendous pressure from these merchants to focus not on the quality of the oil, but on how to make more, faster and cheaper.
A list of all possible factors that reduce the quality of black seed oil:
Quality of Nigella Sativa seeds
The difference in the presence of the main active components in Nigella Sativa seeds can reach 40 times. The lowest officially recorded level of Thymoquinone can reach 0.12%, and the highest 4.64%.
Purity of Nigella Sativa seeds
Seeds for the production of black cumin oil can be 85-95% of purity, and with expensive selection by the Sortex method, it reaches 99% purity.
Sanitary conditions
In the US and EU countries, there are strict sanitary conditions in production, which are regulated by special government agencies. For this reason, 90% of black cumin oil on the world market is produced in the countries of the Middle and Far East, as there are almost no sanitary inspections, and the requirements with standards are very low.
Press equipment
Modern equipment for cold pressing oil works very slowly, producing 2 liters of oil per hour at temperatures of up to +95˚F (+35˚C). Industrial equipment works quickly and gives 15-25 liters per hour at a temperature of almost +149˚F (+65˚C) and above. The standard of the best cold pressing is not more than +113˚F (+45˚C). The standard for normal cold pressing is +140˚F (+60˚C).
Second Press of Seeds
Modern equipment slowly squeezes 100% of the oil from the seeds and does not need a second process. Industrial equipment, due to its fast speed, squeezes only 70% of the oil from Nigella Sativa seeds, forcing producers to re-squeeze. Second press raises the friction temperature to +212˚F (+100˚C) and this is already a hot press.
Sediments of black cumin seed oil are ground seeds that are in the oil after the processing process. Unfiltered oil is twice as strong in action, as the seeds complement the composition. Unfiltered oil is stored for up to 5 years, as the bio structure is not broken under the influence of filtration equipment.
Oil is best stored in glass. Oil in plastic should be stored at room temperature in complete darkness. In the country of destination, imported black seed oil will be bottled in glass bottles, but it must be remembered that this oil is delivered in plastic cans in hot shipping containers.