93% of the world's companies buy black seed oil in the Far and Middle East, as well as in Africa. After that, the oil is bottled in its own branded containers and sold in the local market.
BioNatal is a producer of the oil and it is sourced directly from farmers in the best region of Ethiopia. BioNatal carries out all the processes from start to finish.

Most companies in the global black cumin oil market operate from an office.
We work directly with farmers in the best region of Ethiopia, where the best Nigella Sativa seeds in the world are grown.
BioNatal agents regularly visit Nigella Sativa flower farms. This allows us to control the quality of seed supplies for oil production.
We know exactly what quality the harvest is and how many seeds will be harvested.

After harvest, the seeds for BioNatal are immediately sent to the packing and sorting station.
Our seeds are not waiting to be stored. We try to clean the seeds immediately after harvest.
Many companies make oil from dirty seeds because they filter the oil before it will be sold. Therefore, they do not consider it necessary to clean the seeds.
After harvest, the purity of Nigella Sativa seeds is about 80%. There are various levels of cleaning, and most oil producers choose the cheapest and fastest options.

BioNatal cleans the seeds twice in the most expensive and best way called Sortex. Sortex double cleaning allows us to achieve 99% cleaning results.
This fact is confirmed in certificates from the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture for each batch of seeds. You can see this in the Phytosanitary Certificate on the BioNatal Analyses and Certificates page.
BioNatal proceed Sortex cleaning of Nigella Sativa seeds and prepares them for the shipping in certified sorting facility.
All our stations have all the necessary licenses and a strict sanitary control.

Awaiting the export process, our seeds are stored at the sorting station in a special room and at the required temperature.
BioNatal agents always control the ambient temperature and ensure that the best storage conditions for the seeds are maintained.
Before the export process we double check the Nigella Sativa seeds for possible contamination materials. We use an independent laboratory of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.

The loading of the seeds into the shipping container is overseen by agents from BioNatal and representatives from the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture.
BioNatal black seed oil is produced at the company's factories in the US and Germany. In the United States from the seaports of Houston the Nigella Sativa seeds are delivered to BioNatal facility in Edinburg, Texas.

Before receiving the container from the seaport, the black cumin seeds are carefully controlled by the local health and quarantine authorities.
Once tested, our Ethiopian seeds must obtain FDA approval for use in the United States.
All Nigella Sativa seeds are stored in a special BioNatal storage room under full temperature and humidity control.
Air temperature and humidity data are taken by special automatic equipment every minute and automatically corrected if necessary.

The oil is squeezed on special equipment, which is specially designed to work with hard and small seeds. At low operating speeds, this equipment does not heat the oil during the friction process. The oil yield of BioNatal equipment does not exceed 98°F with the world standard for cold pressed oil being a maximum of 115°F.
In all countries of Africa, as well as in the Far and Middle East, industrial equipment is used, produced mainly in the 80s and 90s. In fact, this equipment is designed to produce oil from soft materials and seeds. Do not forget that the black seed oil industry is very young and is not under the control of the official structures of various countries. Many black cumin seed oil producers are small businesses. Basically, they buy pressing equipment on the local market, which was intended for the production of soft materials oils like olive and sunflower.
Industrial equipment dramatically increases temperature when handling hard seeds like Nigella Sativa seeds. This is the first negative factor affecting the temperature of black cumin oil production in Africa and the Middle East. Normally, such equipment raises the oil outlet temperature to 200°F. But it’s not all, there is one more negative factor during the production process.
Oil production in BioNatal factories takes no more than 3 hours a day. These operating time limits are set to absolutely ensure that the oil extraction stops before the equipment naturally warms up. This allows us to start working when the oil is coming at 77°F and finish at 98°F. The temperature is measured on all pressing machines every hour. BioNatal has a full temperature report for every 5 gallons of oil. This is very different from the processes of the main mass producers of black seed oil.
Mass producers use the equipment around the clock to produce large quantities of oil. Industrial equipment burns oil after the first few hours of operation, but Middle East and African manufacturers don't care, as they have large orders from Russia, Europe and the United States. For them, speed is money. Maybe the first hour of work gives them a cold spin up to 115°F, but later the oil comes out with a hot spin.
That is why oil manufacturers do not have documents with a schedule for recording temperatures during operation. If you make a request to them, they will not respond to you. BioNatal is ready to provide any customer with documents with the history of a customer’s bottle of black cumin oil. In addition, almost all oil producers in the world cannot officially confirm their cold pressing method and say that this is not possible. In fact, it is possible and BioNatal does it. You can read more about this on the BioNatal Analyses and Certificates page.

BioNatal stores oil in 5-gallon glass bottles. This is a big difference between our company and all other companies in the world. We store the oil in glass at the required temperature and humidity.
All companies that do not produce black seed oil buy it from Africa and the East. The transport of this oil, as you will understand, is carried out in a plastic drum or plastic jerrycans. The oil is stored in customs terminals at airports or in sea containers on the vessels without temperature control.
This is very detrimental to the quality of the oil, as black cumin oil has a 3-4 pH level due to which the plastic reacts with the oil.
We store the oil for about 30 days after pressing process as we never filter black seed oil. The oil is an integral part of the Nigella Sativa seed. All companies in the world inform consumers about the benefits of black seeds, but they do not give these seeds. All oils on the market are filtered as they are quick and easy to sell. Nothing personal, just business.
Thus, BioNatal stores the oil for 30 days so that the sediment (powdered seeds) sinks to the bottom. This sediment will then be added to each bottle of BioNatal black seed oil, so our consumers get 100% of the beneficial properties of the Nigella Sativa seeds.

Another feature of BioNatal. We do not squeeze the oil continuously. We produce as many 5-gallon jars each week as we sell in a week. Therefore, on our shelves there is as much oil with sediment at the bottom as we will sell for about a month. We try to keep the oil in whole seeds, not in bottles. This means that BioNatal oil is always fresh!
Imagine the situation with conventional brands of black cumin oil. The companies buy oil, take it to their country in plastic containers and bottle it before the sale begins. This process takes almost half a year. Buyers of the last oil bottles of the shipping batch have the opportunity to buy a product that is one or two years old, depending on the size of the oil batch and the speed of sale. This is why many brands do not put production dates on their labels. And if this oil is in a plastic bottle, then this oil has definitely absorbed the hazardous material into itself.
Bottling time. As always, BioNatal is different from all the companies in the world. We bottle exactly as much oil as we sell in a week. Every Monday there is a bottling process of BioNatal oil. Within a week, it will be shipped to all our customers.
As for the oils of other brands, generally the imported oils are bottled in one day, and then satay in the warehouse await sale or on the shelves of the stores.

As mentioned above, with the help of special equipment, we add 5% sediment (powdered seeds) to each bottle. Many of our clients like a very strong black seed oil. Therefore, oil with the seeds becomes richer and stronger. Anyone who is looking for the strongest black cumin oil and has tried BioNatal oil once will stay with us forever.
Thanks to the quality of the products, BioNatal is expanding. Today we ship our oils to every country in the world with free shipping and no customs duties.
Main office in the United States: Free domestic shipping via 2-Day FedEx.
International office in Germany: Free worldwide shipping with no duty fees via DHL eCommerce.
BioNatal is going to expand worldwide and we are looking for partners and BioNatal franchise holders worldwide. For franchise conditions and application submission, please click here.