Egyptian queens desert Sahara oils
BioNatal LLC produces different natural vegetable oils beside Ethiopian black seed oil. There are two very rare natural oils that we obtain from the Sahara Desert seeds. Oils from Jojoba and Wide Leaf Arugula from the area of ancient Egyptian historical city of Luxor was presented to American people at first. Non of the companies in the world are interested in the desert seeds from a commercial side because of small quantity of oils in it due to the dry and hot desert weather. This fact never stop BioNatal LLC from bringing the best products to Americans. In fact, as less oil in the seeds as more concentrated and beneficial the nutrition of this oil.
As long as there are only two kinds of oils from the Luxor desert seeds, we dedicated them to the very famous Egyptian queens who lived in that area thousands of years ago:

Wide Leaf Arugula Seed Oil for haircare
Ahmose-Nefertary was an Egyptian queen who lived about 3,600 years ago. Her name in ancient Egyptian means, “The most beautiful moon has been born.” She was the first Egyptian woman warrior and became a military leader. She released North Egypt from Hyksos and, due to her increased power, moved the capital of Egypt to the area of what is now Luxor. She was the only one woman buried in the Kings Valley in Luxor.
This is the area where Egyptians are planting wide leaf arugula, which is quite unique due to the deep desert weather for 4,000 years. BioNatal is dedicating this natural arugula oil to Ahmose-Nefertary as the holder of luxuriously rich African hair. Through the past centuries, Egyptians have been using this oil to strengthen and enrich their hair. Read about Wide Leaf Arugula oil
Jojoba Oil for skin and haircare
Nefertiti was an Egyptian queen who lived about 3,400 years ago. BioNatal Jojoba oil is dedicated to her beauty as Egyptians and Arabs have been using this natural oil for skincare since those times. Her name in ancient Egyptian means, “A beautiful woman has come,” which she received after arriving in Egypt. She was gifted to the Egyptian Pharaoh, though her parents are unknown.
Egyptians found her very beautiful as she was a bit different. Nefertiti ruled Egypt from the area of what is now Luxor in southern Egypt, the origin desert home of the jojoba plant on Earth. The jojoba crop from that Royal region is full of potent oil which is called “golden liquid.” This is the exact area in the Egyptian desert Sahara where BioNatal gets its jojoba seeds from. Read about Jojoba Seed Oil